Endowment Fund


Started in 2016, the EAHS Endowment Fund awards scholarships to low-income EAHS students and recent alumni struggling to afford college and career training.

The Endowment Fund is a permanent and stable source of income which increases access to opportunities for talented low-income students facing financial barriers. Funded by donations, the interest earned off of the principal goes directly to annual student scholarships. The Endowment Fund is invested across a well-diversified portfolio of investments and has grown to $850,000.

The more we grow the fund the more students we can support. Each gift brings us closer to ensuring that ALL deserving, low-income EAHS students have access to the educational opportunities necessary to lift themselves and their families out of poverty and onto productive pathways.

You can create access and opportunity - not only for this generation - but for generations to come. Make a lasting impact and support Lobos forever by donating today.

If you have any questions or need support in setting up donations please contact Omar Medina at omar@eahsfoundation.org, or call (707) 318-6631.