General Donation


Elsie Allen High School has 1,042 students, 78.6% of whom come from socio-economic disadvantaged families and 80% are Latinx. The majority of our students are the first from their families to graduate from high school and will be the first from their families to attend and graduate from college. Elsie Allen High is located in southwest Santa Rosa which has been historically underserved. Many of our students come from families who:

  • have a household income of less than $50,000;
  • do not have access to quality healthcare;
  • do not have resources to support their children’s post secondary education.

We were established in 2013 with a mission to provide opportunities for each Elsie Allen High School student to excel and succeed in life. Rooted in equity, we collaborate with our community to provide enriching opportunities that inspire, guide, and empower students to achieve their goals. Check out what we were able to accomplish in partnership with our generous Lobo Nation!

If you have any questions or need support in setting up donations please contact Omar Medina at or call (707) 318-6631.